RubyをJavaに変換できるという触れ込みの Rubyflux をためしてみました。
headius/rubyflux - JRubyのCharles Nutterさんが作ってる。
$ git clone $ cd rubyflux $ brew install maven2 $ mvn package $ rbenv install jruby-1.7.2 $ rbenv shell jruby-1.7.2 $ cat target.rb # coding: utf-8 def fib(num) a, b = 0, 1 num.times { a, b = b, a + b } a end puts fib 40 $ rake run\[target.rb\] jruby -I target:src/main/ruby src/main/ruby/ruby_flux.rb fib.rb javac java fib Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Method 'times' not defined on type RFixnum at RKernel.method_missing( at RObject.times( at RFixnum.times( at test.fib( at test.$main( at test.main( rake aborted! Command failed with status (1): [java test...] org/jruby/ `call' /Users/tomohiro/repositories/rubyflux/Rakefile:16:in `(root)' org/jruby/ `call' org/jruby/ `each' org/jruby/ `each' org/jruby/ `load' Tasks: TOP => run (See full trace by running task with --trace)
<ujm>: sixeight's house
— mc68さん (@mc681) 1月 22, 2013